asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if, in view of the coal shortage, he will have the possibility of re-opening the coal mines at Dromagh, Banteer, County Cork, examined at once.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Coal Mines.
The possibility of re-opening the abandoned coal mine at Dromagh has been considered, but there seems to be little likelihood of obtaining any quantity of workable coal within easy access of the existing shafts.
Will the Minister say if the examination was made recently?
If the Deputy means a survey of the ground, no recent survey has been made, but the information which is available in the Department as to the condition of the deposits in this particular mine has been considered even since the coal shortage arose.
May I put this to the Minister: that the information in his Department, if it is based on a survey made many years ago, is believed to be based on entirely wrong statements which were issued by the people who surveyed the mines in those days? Those people are said to have given false information. The people of the district believe that the whole thing was sabotaged by those who were sent over from Scotland to investigate it.
Is the Minister aware that at one period 16 collieries were operating in the neighbourhood?
There may have been a considerable number of small workings, but, according to the advice given to me, it would be quite impossible to attempt the working of this mine in present circumstances.