asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he will discuss with the British Government increasing the price of flax grown in Eire to the level of that paid for flax in Northern Ireland so that increased production of this crop may be encouraged in this and future seasons.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Flax.
The subject to which the Deputy refers has already been fully discussed with the British authorities and I am satisfied that nothing would be gained by re-opening the matter at this stage.
Will the Minister consider, pending the useful re-opening of this question, getting an arrangement with the British whereby there will be some check by a representative of ours on the grading of flax, so that our producers may feel reassured that they are getting full value for the flax which they sell, under the inter-Governmental arrangement, to the British authorities?
A representative of the Committee is present at practically all the grading centres to see that the purchasers are satisfied.
Is that representative a competent flax grader?
Oh, I think so; yes.