asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the likelihood that the acreage under wheat this year may not reach expectations, he will now consider the desirability of fixing an attractive guaranteed price for potatoes so as to ensure adequate supplies of this essential foodstuff, having regard to the fact that, due to shortage of artificial manures, the yield may not be up to normal.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Guaranteed Price for Potatoes.
Every opportunity has been taken to make not only farmers but plotholders and owners of gardens realise the vital necessity for growing potatoes to the greatest possible extent so as to avoid the danger of food shortage. The home demand for seed potatoes this year greatly exceeds that of other years, and I doubt whether the offer of a guaranteed price would result in any appreciable increase in the area now being devoted to this crop. Moreover, the bulk of the potato crop grown by farmers is used on farms.
The main effect of a guaranteed price would probably be to increase the cost of potatoes (i) to the poorer classes of the community who may be largely dependent on potatoes for their food in the coming year, and (ii) to those who purchase potatoes for stock-feeding purposes.