asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state whether he has received applications for licences to export dead meat, and, if so, whether, in the case of men who can provide the necessary capital and equipment, he will grant licences immediately with a view to securing the competition necessary to ensure full value for farmers.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dead Meat Exports.
I have recently received a number of applications for licences to export fresh meat. Such licences may, however, be granted only in respect of premises registered in the appropriate register of slaughtering premises kept under the Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Acts, 1930 to 1938, and such registration is possible only in the case of premises which comply with statutory requirements as regards structure and equipment. Since the commencement of the recent emergency, due to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, I have, up to now, issued four new beef exporters' permits and one new mutton exporters' permit enabling the holders to export the classes of meat covered by their permits from premises already registered. The question of the registration of suitable additional premises under the Acts, so as to afford increased facilities for the export of beef and mutton and of extending facilities for export in existing registered premises has received and will continue to receive my attention.