asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures whether the Censor issued instructions that no public reference is to be made to the persecution of the Polish people under the German and Soviet occupation of that country.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Press Censorship.
The answer to the question is in the negative.
Does the Minister deny that the Censor has absolutely prohibited any reference to the Nazi and Soviet atrocities in Poland and that on one occasion an allocution of His Holiness the Pope was severely cut in its reproduction in this country, because it contained a reference to Nazi persecution of Catholics in Poland?
Is the Deputy suggesting it was a reference in the Press?
I believe it was a reference in the cinema.
No such cut was made in respect to any pronouncement of the Pope.
Was there not a deletion of a reference quoted as coming from His Holiness in respect to the Nazi atrocities in Poland?
I am satisfied there was not.
And I am satisfied there was.
We have other persecutions nearer home.