asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether the provision of allotment plots within the urban area of Sligo for the unemployed was held up by the failure of his Department to approve of the plots selected by the corporation and if he will state what action his Department has taken to sanction allotment plots for the unemployed within the said area.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sligo Allotment Plots.
There has been no delay in my Department in dealing with the schemes put forward by the Sligo Corporation for the provision of allotments within the urban area. Two schemes for the provision of 193 allotments were received on the 17th ultimo. One scheme for 61 allotments was approved on the 20th idem. In the case of the second scheme for 132 allotments, it was necessary to have the land inspected as to its suitability. This was done as speedily as possible and the scheme was approved on the 11th instant.