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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Mar 1941

Vol. 82 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - School Meals.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware of the desirability of providing school children with a hot meal instead of the milk and cake now provided under the School Meals Act, and, if so, if he will take steps to expedite that change.

In view of the time available for the distribution and consumption of a school meal, the meal should be of as simple a character as possible consistent with adequate nutrition being afforded. The meal at present being provided under approved school meals schemes generally includes milk, which is a nutritious food for school-going children, and contains the vitamins which are essential for their growth and development. The local authorities have been advised to heat the milk before distribution during cold weather. In many areas the school meal consists of hot cocoa with milk and buns or bread and butter or jam.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, with regard to the provision of a more comprehensive meal, has his Department considered the desirability of fortifying this meal with a vitamin biscuit so that essential vitamins may be provided for the children of the poor if and when the stress of circumstances reduces the variety of foods available to them?

The managers are in all cases responsible. The matter is one that can be gone into.

I have asked the Minister to consider this on a number of occasions, and, while it may be the manager's ultimate responsibility, the manager cannot produce the vitamin biscuit. The Minister is the only person who can do that, and will he consider making it available for the managers who consider it desirable to add it to the school meal.

I do not think we have had any representations about that. I will have the matter looked into.

I am making representations to the Minister now—loud, clear and long.
