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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 1 May 1941

Vol. 82 No. 15

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supply Depots.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he will establish in the larger cities of Eire depôts from which supplies of coal, oatmeal, milk, fish, bacon, sugar and potatoes can be purchased by the poor at prices which will permit of their securing sufficient supplies of nourishment for the maintenance of normal health.

I informed the Deputy a week ago that consultations with other Departments were taking place in regard to special measures for assistance to certain sections of the community. The examination of the problem is not yet completed.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say when he anticipates the examination of this problem will be completed? Is he aware that divers voluntary activities are at present being initiated for purposes analogous to that outlined in the question, and does he not think that the postponement of an announcement from his Department is calculated to result in the dissipation of much effort and considerable wealth in perhaps duplicating tasks that he contemplates undertaking out of public funds?

I am fully aware that the position is as described by the Deputy, but I think he will understand that it is not possible to indicate with any degree of accuracy when these InterDepartmental discussions will be completed. I am sure the Deputy will appreciate that no avoidable time will be wasted.

If the Parliamentary Secretary expects me to appreciate that, I am sure he will appreciate how necessary it is that some outline at least should be given of the plans which he is considering, so that people anxious to assist in a voluntary capacity may take precautions to avoid overlapping activities. I should be glad if the Parliamentary Secretary could give some idea when we may expect an outline of what he hopes to be able to do.

It is hoped within a week or two that a general indication will be given.

That is perfectly satisfactory.
