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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 1 May 1941

Vol. 82 No. 15

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Damage to Irish Vessels.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if it is intended to provide compensation for damage caused to vessels owned by Irish nationals and which are engaged on direct trading to or from an Irish port and sailing under our flag, and, if so, when proposals for legislation will be introduced in the matter.

Damage to vessels is a matter for insurance which is readily available. It is understood that owners of Irish ships have as a general rule insured their vessels against ordinary marine risk and against war risk. No legislation on the matter is contemplated.

Did not the Taoiseach say that he was going to give compensation where lives were lost as a result of attack by aeroplanes?

As far as lives are concerned, yes.

But not for ships?

No proposal with regard to shipping could be covered by insurance at present.

If the Government is going to compensate for the loss of lives as a result of German attacks, could it not compensate for the loss of ships? It is the same boys who are blowing them up and there ought to be the same treatment.

It is impossible to insure ships against damage at present with Irish insurance companies. Will the Minister consider introducing State insurance?

We are not equipped to do that.
