asked the Minister for Justice if he will state what circumstances in the present emergency necessitated the making of Emergency Powers (No. 74) Order.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Making of Emergency Powers Order.
Owing to the petrol shortage, coroners are experiencing difficulties in performing their duties, and the order referred to by the Deputy was made with a view to relieving those difficulties to some extent and to providing for the future in case these difficulties become even more serious. Viewing a body frequently necessitates a journey to a remote place, whereas when the view is dispensed with the coroner can hold the inquest at a neighbouring town or village to which he can proceed by rail or bus and where the witnesses can attend without inconvenience. In order to prevent any misunderstanding, I should explain that the coroner's view of the body is mainly a formality and has no particular value as a means of ascertaining the cause of death. This will be readily appreciated when it is remembered that many coroners are not doctors. In any case where the cause of death is not apparent, the coroner orders a post-mortem examination or calls for evidence from the doctor who attended the deceased prior to his death.