I move that the Bill be now read a Second Time. Last year employees of the Dublin Corporation, being dissatisfied with the decision of the corporation on an application for an increase of wages, withdrew their services. Most of the employees were on the permanent staff and had pension rights. The breach in service affected such rights. When they resumed duty, the corporation made representations with a view to ensuring that the period of service rendered before the strike would continue to be regarded as pensionable service. This Bill is intended to meet that request.
Local Officers and Servants (Dublin) Bill, 1941—Second, Third and Fourth Stages.
Has the Minister done anything about the position of travelling expenses of members? I drew attention to that on the last occasion. It could be abused, where members could travel to attend two meetings in one day. Is a member entitled to draw two expenses if he attends two meetings in one day in a particular place?
We make sure that he cannot do that.
But it is being done.
Not under this Bill.
Question put and agreed to.
I propose that the Committee Stage be taken now. I do not think there will be any amendments to this.
We might take it now.
The Final Stage should be kept for Thursday next.
Bill passed through Committee, reported without amendment and received for final consideration.
Fifth Stage ordered for Thursday next, 10th July.