asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware that Mr. Peter Mangan, administrator of the estate of John Mannion, registered owner of a holding of land in Shantallow and Bushfield (coll. No. 160/295, folio No. 18018, County Mayo) sold the holding to Mr. John Dolan, Bushfield, Hollymount, County Mayo, about three years ago; that the solicitor for vendor applied to the Land Commission for consent to the sale and that such consent has not yet been given and if he will state the cause of delay by the Land Commission in the matter and if he will have the consent to the sale expedited for the purchaser who is in full possession for the past three years.
Written Answer. - Consent to Mayo Land-Sale.
There has been no undue delay on the part of the Land Commission in dealing with the application of Mr. Peter Mangan for permission to sell his parcel of land. The application for permission to sell was not received by the Land Commission until the 10th ultimo and is at present receiving attention.