I move that the Bill be read a Second Time.
Committee on Finance. - Agriculture (Amendment) Bill, 1941—Second and Subsequent Stages.
The Bill merely raises the contribution which a county council can make.
Yes. It makes the raising of the contribution permissive.
There is no objection to it.
Is any special attention being paid to trees that are matured and that ought to be cut— trees which it would be an advantage to the owners to cut? Is it proposed in those cases to make a condition that three or four trees are to be planted for every one that is cut? In a time like the present, that condition might be dispensed with. Two trees would be quite enough to plant for one which is cut down. In view of the special circumstances of the present time, some little concession might be made.
The Minister for Lands is, of course, in charge of forestry. However, I understand that the condition as to replanting is being insisted upon. The point raised by Deputy Cosgrave has been under consideration, but I do not know what conclusion has been come to.
Would the Minister mention the matter to his colleague?