asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that owing to the high cost of living the four days a week, as worked on relief schemes, provide insufficient wages for the workers on these schemes in urban and rural areas; and if he will arrange to extend the regulation to allow a six-day week during the winter period.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment on Relief Schemes.
Under the present system six days' employment per week is allowed in certain cases where it is necessary to keep the amount of the wages at a reasonable excess over the weekly value of unemployment assistance and food vouchers. I am not prepared to extend the six days' employment to all cases.
Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware of the distress in some of these urban areas with big populations, where the cost of food and fuel is very high? A week's work now would be equal to three days' work two or three years ago, and they find if very hard to get on. I would like the Parliamentary Secretary to know that the Ballina Urban Council unanimously adopted a resolution that they be allowed to give a full week's work instead of keeping to the regulation in force.
I am aware of the purpose for which this money is voted, and as unemployment assistance and food vouchers increase in value the aim has always been to see that those employed on rotational works will get roughly 30 per cent. in excess of the value of unemployment assistance plus food vouchers. That policy is being continued.
Has the Parliamentary Secretary adverted to the fact that a man doing three days' work is obliged to pay the full unemployment and national health insurance contributions, according to his liability, which means that a man is getting only half a week's work but has to pay practically double the contributions out of his wages?
Apart altogether from that question, I am aware that our aim has been to give him 30 per cent. in excess of what he would otherwise receive. That is the policy being pursued.
And not going to be changed?
The proposal is that it should.