asked the Minister for Education whether he is aware that in many Dublin schools grievous overcrowding continues; and, if so, if he will state what steps he proposes to take to ensure that, where he is made aware of any case of grievous overcrowding, he has the necessary authority to appoint additional teachers.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Overcrowding of Schools.
I am aware that a number of the schools in the Dublin area, particularly those on the outskirts of the city, are full to capacity and that some of them are temporarily overcrowded. This is especially so in the case of those schools which are located in the vicinity of the areas which have been or are being built up under the slum clearance schemes. The provision of the additional school accommodation required for these areas had been rendered difficult owing to the virtual suspension of building during the emergency and by the fact that in the past ten years the school-going population of the primary schools in the city area has been increased by about 10,000. A number of large schemes for the provision of new schools for these areas are in hands and in some cases the work is well advanced.
Additional teachers as may be warranted under the regulations by the figures of enrolment and average attendance are sanctioned in all such cases provided that reasonably adequate classroom accommodation is available.
The position both as to the provision of new accommodation and the staffing of existing schools is being kept under constant review.
Can the Minister say whether he can on his own initiative appoint additional teachers where classroom accommodation is available and the classes are over-crowded?
No, I am restricted by the regulations.
Would the Minister consider the possibility of changing these regulations?
The whole matter of overcrowding of schools in the City of Dublin is having very close attention. There are great difficulties in the matter but we shall do our best to do anything possible to overcome some of the major difficulties.