asked the Minister for Lands whether it is the intention of the Land Commission to acquire land on any of the County Galway estates numbered S.5753, S.6402, S.6412, S.6417 and S.6460, for the relief of congestion and the rearrangement of the holdings in the village of Raigha.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of Galway Lands.
The Land Commission have no proceedings for the acquisition of the estate record No. S.5733. The estates record Nos. S.6402, S.6417 and S.6460 are tenanted estates comprising six holdings which have been noted for examination with a view to rearrangement. S.6412 refers to an estate in County Roscommon and it has been allotted.
asked the Minister for Lands whether a holding of 700 acres at Derreen, Maam, County Galway, has been acquired by the Land Commission; and, if so, whether it will be used in connection with the rearrangement of the village of Raigha.
The lands of Mrs. King comprising 700 acres in Derreen and Kilmeelickin have been acquired for afforestation purposes.
Is the Minister not aware that this is the only land in the vicinity which might possibly be used for the relief of congestion in the village of Raigha? Will he not examine the whole position with a view to seeing if this land, or portion of it, could be used for the accommodation of at least two of the Raigha tenants so that the remaining holdings in the village can be rearranged satisfactorily?
There is a certain amount of congestion there. The holdings in Raigha cannot be described as economic, but this land is not the land to relieve such congestion, is it?
The people were expecting that it would be acquired.
If the Land Commission cannot give them better land than the 700 acres acquired from Mrs. King, the tenants would be almost as well off without it.
Will the Minister say if he has examined the representations submitted by the people concerned which reached his Department within the last few days? Did he give the matter his personal consideration?
I did, I know the details intimately.
You got representations within the last ten days.
I got them six months ago. The Land Commission will not use mountainside and say that they have the congestion relieved by pawning off something on the people that is no good to them.
But the people want it.
The people will not get it; they will get something that is good for them or they will get nothing at all.
This farm is regarded by the people there as being fit to provide two families with a reasonable living, like sheep raising. It is for that purpose they want this farm made available to them. Sheep rearing, as the Minister knows, is the main source of income in that particular district.
asked the Minister for Lands whether it is the intention of the Land Commission to acquire land on estate No. U.7091, County Galway, for forestry; if so, how much; further, how much will remain for acquisition and division among about 30 congests in the vicinity.
No decision has been taken regarding the acquisition of these lands. The matter is under consideration.