asked the Minister for Lands if he will state (a) the estimated cost of the prefabricated wooden dwelling-houses now being manufactured at Dundrum saw mills, Tipperary; (b) the number of such houses it is proposed to manufacture; (c) whether these houses will be sold to the public and (d) their estimated life.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Tipperary Prefabricated Houses.
The estimated cost of the wooden houses now being partly prefabricated in the State saw mills at Dundrum, County Tipperary, is £1,250, including the cost of concrete bases, roofing, internal fittings, etc.
The number of such houses proposed to be made has not been decided and will depend upon conditions arising out of the expansion of State forestry operations. The houses are intended for habitation by employees of the forestry service and will not be sold to the public. Their estimated life is at least 50 years.