I move:—
That the Order for the Second Stage of the Tourist Traffic (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1951, be discharged and the Bill be withdrawn.
Vol. 128 No. 5
I move:—
That the Order for the Second Stage of the Tourist Traffic (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1951, be discharged and the Bill be withdrawn.
On the motion for discharge, am I to take it that the necessity for a new title arises out of the new report of Mr. Christenberry?
No. The change in title arises out of the fact that this Bill will contain some provisions which were not covered by the title of the Bill as introduced last June, particularly in relation to the licensing of hotels.
In order to enable members to discuss the new Bill when it comes along, will the Minister cause to be circulated beforehand copies of the new report of Mr. Christenberry ?
There was no new report. His report has already been published.
Did he not make any report when he came here the other day?
No. He made no written report.
Was there no report, memorandum or letter? I am not going to argue about a word.
There was no report, memorandum or letter. He came over for the purpose of a discussion.
This is the First Stage of a Bill.
This is not the First Stage of a Bill. It is a motion for the withdrawal of a Bill as Deputy Allen would have known had he been here.
He was bogged up in Strasbourg.
Will the Minister make available to the House the result —I shall put it that way—of Mr. Christenberry's last visit so that we can consider that in relation to his previous report and thus intelligently discuss the Bill?
There was no second report. He came over for the purpose of discussion with me. I thought it was desirable, as I now have the responsibility, that I should discuss this report with him to clarify my own mind as to his intentions.
Has the Minister not indicated to any tourist bodies such as the Irish Tourist Board the result of that discussion or has he not made it available to the general public?
I have not done so.
I think somebody else has if the Minister has not done so.
When are we going to see the Tourist Traffic Bill?
I hope to have that in about a month's time, about the middle of January.