I move that the Bill be now read a Second Time. Its purpose is to continue in force for a further period the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Acts, 1923 to 1951, which will expire on the 31st March next.
Although the Bill is expressed to cover the period up to the 31st March, 1953, it is the intention that it will remain in force only up to the date on which the Defence Bill, 1951, if enacted, will come into operation. While a specific date cannot be determined at this stage, I hope it will be possible to bring that Act into operation before the 31st March, 1953. It is proposed, as the simplest and best means of adjusting the matter, to add the present Bill, when enacted, to the first Schedule of the Defence Bill, which enumerates the enactments to be repealed as from its operative date. I think that, in the circumstances which I have explained, Deputies will not find any difficulty in regard to this Bill.