asked the Minister for Defence whether he is aware of the anxiety of students in the Cobh Technical School in regard to the admission of civil apprentices to the naval dockyard at Haulbowline; and if he will state whether a decision has yet been taken in the matter and, if not, when it is likely to be taken.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Haulbowline Naval Dockyard Apprentices.
I am aware that the Cobh vocational and technical school authorities are anxious that civilian apprentices should be admitted to the naval dockyard at Haulbowline. This question is still under examination in connection with other related matters, but I regret I am not at present in a position to say when a final decision is likely to be reached.
Is the Minister aware that the first question in connection with this matter was asked in May, 1947?
So I heard.
Is the Minister aware that at various stages ever since, during seven long years, the Department of Defence have been considering this question and apparently negotiating everything in connection with it? Surely it is not to go on for seven more years and surely we will have some finality in the matter?
Might I remind the Deputy that I said I was examining the matter and not the Department, but that I am not yet in a position to say when a final decision will be reached? I hope, however, it will not be seven years more.