asked the Minister for Health if he is aware that the British Ministry for Health propose to import certain drugs and medicines from Europe, as it has been found on investigation that these drugs and medicines can be imported at lower prices than similar drugs can be obtained within the United Kingdom; and if he proposes to take similar steps in this country.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Importation of Drugs and Medicines.
I have seen reports of the action which the British Minister of Health is considering in connection with the purchase of three specified preparations from European sources.
As the Deputy is aware, drugs for the Irish health services are purchased under contracts made under the Combined Purchasing Act, 1939, and this system has resulted, in general, in the supply of drugs for these services at reasonable prices. The situation is kept under continuous review and should it appear at any time that by the operation of devices for price maintenance the terms offered in respect of any significant commodity are unreasonably high, the Deputy may rest assured that the Minister for Health will not hesitate to take all action open to him, including action on the lines contemplated by the British Minister of Health, to secure that alternative sources of supply of goods of adequate quality at cheaper prices will be obtained.
Is it correct that up to this the drugs and medicines required by the Irish services are in fact purchased in the United Kingdom?
No, not all.
The implication here is not accurate?
No, it is not.