asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if in view of the lay-off of a considerable number of men by a firm (name supplied) in Wexford, he will state what prospects there are for alternative employment for these men.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Disemployment of Wexford Workers.
Mr. O'Malley
I understand that there has been a seasonal lay-off of workers in this factory due to the nature of the goods manufactured. I am informed that the company are making efforts to overcome recurrent disemployment of this nature.
As the Minister has probably been informed, this place has had an unhappy record in regard to employment. I do not think it is correct to say this is a seasonal lay-off. Would the Minister be in a position to say whether or not he was approached by the management in this matter to see what help, if any, the Government could give, and whether or not there is a shortage of capital or a shortage of markets? In any case will he make further inquiries to see how the Government can help in order to ensure continuity of employment?
Mr. O'Malley
On behalf of the Minister, I should say this company did avail of the technical assistance scheme to carry out a number of consultancy schemes, and the last one of these was aimed at rationalising their product range and making full use of their resources. It would appear, without going into detail, that there is hope of a certain amount of good news for this factory.
Would the Minister elaborate on that? Does this necessarily mean that these men will be taken back in the near future, say, in a matter of a month?
Mr. O'Malley
The position is that up to now there have been seasonal lays-off down the years and this has caused a certain amount of dissatisfaction, because some of the workers were getting only three to five months' work. I understand that as a result of the examination carried out by the company with regard to rationalising their product range and making better use of their resources, it is hoped to improve this position.
With all due respect to the Minister, his information is entirely wrong. I do not blame him for that. There are scores of men being laid off here, and it seems to me there is no real prospect of their being taken back in the near future. What I want to get from the Minister is whether or not these people have any difficulties on which the Government or the Department of Industry and Commerce could help them, say, in relation to markets or the provision of more capital.
Mr. O'Malley
I have information here which is of a confidential nature and I am not at liberty to release that. All I can say is that the company has had discussions with the appropriate State Department in regard to certain proposals and——
Was this in recent weeks?
Mr. O'Malley
No. These discussions have been going on for quite a while, and I think something will come to fruition shortly.
That carries it over 28th June anyway.