asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries what recommendations made in the report on the horse breeding industry, 1966, were implemented; and what further recommendations is it proposed to implement.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Horse Breeding Industry Report.
As the Deputy is aware, the recommendations of the Survey Team on the Horse Breeding Industry are of concern to a considerable number of voluntary organisations interested in different aspects of the horse breeding industry, as well as to various Departments of State.
So far as my Department is concerned, action has already been taken on such matters as the introduction this year of a comprehensive national breeding scheme with provision for mare nominations at a higher value together with new foaling premiums. Other recommendations on such subjects as the display of Connemara ponies and Irish draught horses at the Horse Show have also been implemented.
A major recommendation relates to the establishment of a Horse Board, the provision of a National Training Centre and statutory control of riding establishments. The various organisations concerned with this recommendation have had consultations among themselves and had a further meeting with my Department on 24th May. I am examining the matter, in the light of the proposals put forward at that meeting, with a view to formulating decisions on these recommendations.