asked the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to reports of a further Budget in the present year; and whether he intends to introduce a further Budget.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Budget Introduction.
I refer the Deputy to the statement contained in this year's Budget speech to the effect that the Government, in discharge of their general responsibility for good management of the economy, might have to introduce additional taxes or charges in certain circumstances. The matter is at present being considered by the Government.
Does the Taoiseach recall the words of the Minister for Finance in his Budget statement, in which he said that he considered a second Budget was an undesirable thing and it would only be introduced as a last resort? Are we to understand from the Government that we might be in a different situation now?
I have the extract from the Debates in which the Budget statement is contained and I do not see that.
Have a look again.
Would the Taoiseach read it?
Quotations are out of order at Question Time, but I can paraphrase. The Minister said that he referred again to the need for careful stewardship and that spending should not be allowed to rise unduly because of excessive income increases. If that should happen, counteraction would have to be taken and he said he would have to give notice that the Government, in discharge of their general responsibility for the economy, might have to introduce additional charges——
With the referendum they forgot about the affairs of the country.
There is no reference to anything else in it.
Could the Taoiseach say, if it is contemplated to introduce a supplementary Budget, whether it will be pre- or post-Christmas?
Pre- or post-general election.
I told the Deputy the matter was under consideration.
Is it not a fact that you have now a credit squeeze and that you will have to bring it in? The Taoiseach is silent on that.