asked the Minister for Education if children are still being taught with an outmoded arithmetic; and, if so, why a modern arithmetic has not been provided in preparation for the change over to the metric system.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Modern Arithmetic Textbook.
The Deputy will appreciate that pending a change over to the metric system pupils must in the transition period not only be familiarised with that system but must also continue to study the existing system.
My Department does not publish school textbooks. However, a committee of inspectors is engaged in the task of examining all the problems connected with decimalisation and metrication. They will issue advice thereon to publishers in the matter of the preparation of textbooks.
With due respect to the Leas-Cheann Comhairle who tells us that questions must end at 5 o'clock, I should like to ask the Minister why the present arithmetic is being used for the juniors?
The most junior pupils, the youngsters—small children. I have no connection with primary education either in my family or otherwise but I have heard people complaining. Surely by now the junior pupils should be taught the new system?
This is coming in in the new curriculum which is now being brought into operation in the schools.
The Department of Education is pretty slow, traditionally.
I think we have done a good job in relation to this new curriculum.
Will the Minister state when this new arithmetic will be available?
The information I have is that a committee of inspectors is engaged in the task of examining all the problems connected with this matter and we will see to it that it will be issued as soon as possible.
Has the decimal board been on to the Minister about it? It is a simple matter.