asked the Taoiseach whether, in view of the continuing distress and hardship being experienced by many women and children in the Six Counties as a result of the troubles there, he will make assistance available from the Exchequer; and, if not, why.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Northern Relief.
My information is that private benevolence is coping well with the personal financial hardships deriving from the Northern troubles: the Irish Red Cross Society is contributing a considerable amount in cash and kind. In these circumstances Exchequer assistance is not envisaged.
While I do not doubt that the information he may have would indicate what he has expressed, would the Taoiseach be open to conviction that need is very great and, in fact, greater now than it may ever have been due to the fact that the view has got around that there is less need now than there was? This is not true and the money coming from various sources is not now as great as it was when pressures seemed to be higher. The need is greater now than at any time in the last three years. If it is possible to bring that information to the attention of the Taoiseach will he give it consideration?
I have had personal and other contacts and discussions with responsibly organised groups who look after these matters. I shall maintain that contact and if at any time they wish to discuss these matters I am available to do so. Candidly, I have not got that message from them that the Deputy suggests, that there is more need now than there was.
There is and I shall try to get that through to the Taoiseach through some of these groups.