asked the Minister for Local Government if he is aware of the report that by 1974 all driving licences issued by member countries of the EEC will be replaced by European driving licences; if so, whether applicants for driving licences in this country must meet the full requirements laid down by regulations in Brussels; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Driving Licences.
I am aware that a proposed directive relating to the harmonisation of legislation on driving licences has been prepared and has been submitted to the Council of Ministers. The proposed directive would provide, inter alia, that existing national driving licences be replaced before 1st January, 1976, by a standard form of driving licence; that as from 1st January, 1974 new driving licences should be issued in accordance with the conditions prescribed and in conformity to the standard form of licence, which would be valid throughout all member states.
The proposals are being examined in my Department and it would not be appropriate for me to make a statement at this stage.