asked the Minister for Social Welfare if it is the intention of the Government to continue the payment of unemployment assistance to small farmers and smallholders.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Unemployment Assistance.
It is assumed that the Deputy has in mind the payment of unemployment assistance to smallholders under the system introduced in 1966 whereby in specified areas of congestion means deriving from the use of land are assessed on a notional basis by reference to the net land valuation. In common with other recipients, these smallholders will continue to be entitled to unemployment assistance so long as they satisfy the relevant statutory conditions.
Do I understand from the Parliamentary Secretary's reply that the present system is being changed?
No. The Deputy can be assured we will not allow a situation to develop where he will find it necessary to vote against his own party.
What I am trying to get clarification on is whether the system based on land valuation will be continued. Will the people now in receipt of this assistance continue to receive it? Will they receive the same allowances?
This was made perfectly clear in the answer I have given to the House.
The Parliamentary Secretary said "in conjuction with others". This could mean bringing back the means test.
We cannot have an argument about this matter.
All I want is clarification on this matter.
For the Deputy's information, these smallholders will continue to be entitled to unemployment assistance as long as they satisfy the relevant statutory conditions.