asked the Minister for Local Government the number of applications, if any, submitted by the Government since 15th March, 1973, for assistance from the funds of the European Coal and Steel Community; the amount sought in these applications; and the amount allocated.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - ECSC Assistance.
One application was lodged with the EEC Commission for loan assistance for the housing of coal and steel workers. The amount sought was as follows:
(1) loan of £153,800 @ 1 per cent p.a.
(2) loan of £159,880 @ 7½ per cent p.a. approximately.
A loan of £208,335 at 1 per cent p.a. was sanctioned by the commission on the 20th December, 1973.
This loan will be used to assist in the provision of approximately 90 new houses and the modernisation of a further 100 existing coal and steel workers' houses. In fact, as the Deputy will see, more was given at the 1 per cent rate than was sought but the EEC have explained that they put the two together and at a later date will discuss how it is to be apportioned.
What are the criteria for assistance out of this fund? What is the total sum sought by the Government, apart from what the Minister himself sought?
I am sorry. That is a separate question and I would not have the information.
When one asks a question about the applications submitted to the European Coal and Steel Community it is not unreasonable to expect that the Minister should know what are the criteria for assistance? In other words, what projects qualify?
What Deputy O'Kennedy asked has been answered adequately.
It has not because the Minister referred to one area only, the area of housing. I am asking if the Minister is aware of the criteria to qualify for assistance out of this fund.
I suggest Deputy O'Kennedy should put down that question. The question he put down was:
To ask the Minister for Local Government the number of applications, if any, submitted by the Government since 15th March, 1973, for assistance from the funds of the European Coal and Steel Community; the amounts sought in these applications; and the amount allocated.
On a point of correction, I put my question down to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and I was informed that the only Minister who apparently could give me assistance was the Minister for Local Government. I am concerned at the fact that this Government do not know— and the Minister obviously does not— the regulations applying to applications for assistance out of this fund. If the Minister does not know I will tell him now.
We cannot have a debate on a question.
If the Deputy wants this information he should put down that question. He asked me a question and I have given the answer to that question. I do not propose to answer for any other Minister at Question Time. If the Deputy wants that information he should seek it elsewhere.
Is the Minister aware that the following are the heads which apply: programmes concerned directly with coal or steel production;——
The Deputy is giving information.
I am asking is the Minister aware of this: works and installations which contribute directly and primarily to increasing production; redevelopment and reconversion programmes—and this is very important in the Minister's area—designed to facilitate the creation of new and economically sound activities.
Deputy O'Kennedy would like to tell those who are listening that he knows an awful lot about something. I am giving him a reply to the question he asked. I am sorry to have an acrimonious debate with the Deputy here but the facts are that he asked me a question and I gave him the reply to it.
The Minister has not given it. I asked him about the applications made by the Government, not by his Department.
I am not responsible for applications by the Government, only for those by my Department.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs has transferred it to the Minister for Local Government.
Question No. 59.
In view of the fact that the German Government last year received £30 million, the French Government £27 million, and the Italian Government £11 million——
The Deputy is making a statement, which is not in order at Question Time.
Is it not obvious that the Government are doing nothing to explore the assistance available from this fund? The Government are failing totally to inform the public of the existence of this fund.
You closed Ballingarry.
We did not close Ballingarry; the Deputy's outfit did.
We stopped the financial dealings but you flooded the mine.
The Fianna Fáil Government closed Ballingarry.
Deputy Davern should resume his seat.
You were only one month in office when you closed the mine.
Question No. 59.
In view of the Minister's unsatisfactory reply to Question No. 58 I propose to raise it on the Adjournment, with your permission, a Leas Cheann-Comhairle.
The Deputy is aware that he is too late to raise it today. He may give notice next week.