asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he has had any discussions with the Commission of the European Community on the proposals the Commission are preparing for the forthcoming Law of the Sea Conference; and if he will ensure that such proposals take full account of Ireland's special position.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Law of the Sea Conference.
The Commission of the European Communities is not separately preparing any proposals for the Law of the Sea Conference. It does, however, assist member States in their efforts to secure the co-ordination of positions where possible by submitting proposals at co-ordination meetings. Ireland is, of course, represented at these meetings.
Our representatives have spared no effort in presenting our position fully and where appropriate have submitted detailed proposals in pursuance of our special interests.
asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the composition of the proposed delegation to the Conference on the Law of the Sea this year; and the policy that is being pursued in relation to the fishing limits of this country.
The State will be represented at the forthcoming Law of the Sea Conference by a delegation of approximately ten persons led by Mr. C.C. Cremin, former Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations. The delegation will include officers from my Department and from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Industry and Commerce and Finance.
An interdepartmental committee has been working at the formulation and preparation of a policy for the conference. I hope to put recommendations to the Government within a very short period.
Would the Minister state if it is the intention of his Department to have representation from the fishing co-operatives at this meeting?
Attending the conference?
I doubt if that is appropriate to the nature of the conference but, if representations are made to me, I will consider them on their merits. I do not think it would be the normal practice in relation to conference of this kind. I will look at that further if the Deputy so wishes.