asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport when the necessary legislation to transfer the canal systems from CIE to the Office of Public Works will be introduced.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Canal Systems Transfer.
(Dublin South-Central): As I announced on 30 November 1978, the Government have given approval for the transfer of the Grand Canal system and the Royal Canal from CIE to the Office of Public Works. Legislation to give legal effect to the transfer will be necessary. I am not yet in a position to say when this legislation will be ready for introduction but my Department are initiating consultation with CIE and the Office of Public Works to examine what measures might be possible and desirable in advance of the legislation to give practical effect to the Government's decision.
Would the Minister agree that the present position is entirely unsatisfactory in view of the fact that Dublin Corporation are anxious to co-operate in the general upkeep and maintenance of canals? Would he agree that it is highly unsatisfactory when they do not know exactly with whom they should be dealing or with whom they should enter into consultation?
(Dublin South-Central): I agree with the Deputy, but a lot of legislation would be involved. As I have said, discussions can take place and are about to take place at this time between my Department, the Office of Public Works and CIE, and a lot of practical work can be done before legislation comes into this House. Many Deputies will be aware that a lot of technical work is involved as regards where the divide is between the canals and railways. There are water rights and various other things to be negotiated and staff to be transferred. All these matters take a considerable length of time, but progress will be made in the meantime before legislation comes into the House.
Surely the Minister and his Department had consultations with the appropriate bodies prior to the Minister's statement. Does he not feel that at present the Office of Public Works, CIE and the other people affected are not certain of what is coming or what is taking place? In view of all this, surely prior to the Minister's announcement all of these discussions should have taken place.
(Dublin South-Central): They have taken place, but the Deputy will appreciate that the transfer of these in a legal form is very slow work, and that will have to be done before legislation comes into the House.
Could the Minister expedite this in view of the very unsatisfactory position?
(Dublin South-Central): I will.
Question No. 22. We are trying to finish these transport questions.
The Minister has indicated two pieces of legislation that he proposes to introduce in the House. Can he give us any timetable with regard to the drafting of that legislation? Can he assure the House that he has the necessary staff resources within his Department to prepare the preliminary draft?
(Dublin South-Central): The question of staff in my Department is being examined to see if we can speed up this operation. I cannot give a date when it will be possible to bring this legislation into the House.
Who will have ministerial responsibility in the interim for the canal? In the event of a person wishing to make representations, to whom would he make them?
(Dublin South-Central): The Minister for Tourism and Transport and I would have responsibility.
Not until the transport takes place.
(Dublin South-Central): I deem that this Department would be the responsible Department.