The Minister did not state the number of people presently serving in the Naval Service. He said there were 700 when he came into office. Are there 1,000 people in the Naval Service now?
Defence (Amendment) Bill, 1978: Committee and Final Stages.
No. It is nearer 700. The establishment in the Naval Service has been under review in the past 18 months and there have been a number of increases since I came into office. We will continue to review the figure in order to get to the figure I mentioned. There is a constant recruiting campaign to try to increase the numbers as quickly as possible.
Is the figure greater or smaller than when the Minister came into office?
It has increased.
I suggest we could have a good recruitment campaign specifically for the Naval Service. I appreciate what the Minister has said. We are lacking officers and men in the Naval Service.
Colonel Fitzmaurice, a distinguished officer of the Air Corps in the past was based in Baldonnel, which is now known as Casement Aerodrome. In view of the fact that he was one of the people who took a great step for mankind by piloting one of the first aircraft to fly the Atlantic from east to west, would the Minister consider that some Army aerodrome should be dedicated to his memory?
That is something which the Deputy knows could be more appropriately raised on the Estimate.
I do not mind informing Deputy Nolan that the Air Corps are very proud of the part played by a former OC, Colonel Fitzmaurice, in that historic flight which was commemorated last year on the 50th anniversary of the flight. I and other personnel from aviation circles here travelled to Deerborn in the US where the aeroplane which he flew is kept in the Ford Museum and we unveiled a plaque there to his memory. Since then I have named the Apprentice School at Baldonnel, the Fitzmaurice School, as a tribute to the memory of a very great flier, an excellent officer and former officer in charge of the Irish Air Corps.