It is proposed to take Nos. 4, 6, 7 (resumed), 8, 9 (resumed), 10 (resumed), 11 and 12. Private Members' Business, No. 84 by agreement, will be taken between 7 and 8.30 p.m.
Order of Business.
Can the Taoiseach tell us if it has been decided when the budget will be announced?
As soon as possible.
Will that be next week, next month or next year?
We cannot have discussion on this. The Deputy asked a question and he has been given a reply.
Will the Taoiseach let us know?
Of course I will.
On your ruling on my application for a Private Notice Question, I wish to explain that my sole concern has been to obtain an assurance that the ESB——
I am sorry. You were informed that this question did not qualify and it is disorderly to try to raise the matter now.
It is desirable that the ESB would hand over any information in their possession——
The Deputy is being disorderly and I ask him to resume his seat.
Since last Thursday the ESB have not either confirmed or denied the veracity of the statement——
The Deputy may not proceed in this manner. He has been informed that his question does not satisfy the requirement in relation to Private Notice Questions. He has been informed that there is not a sudden emergency in this case requiring urgent action which would justify me in abolishing the three-day notice given to Departments to answer questions. The Deputy is well aware of that.
Are you aware of the seriousness of the report? You say it is not a matter for urgent action.
The Deputy has been informed that it is not appropriate to raise this by way of Private Notice Question. He has been informed of the reasons.
I am very disappointed at your ruling.
The Deputy has been informed that there is not a sudden emergency requiring immediate action which would justify me in abolishing the three-day notice to the Department to answer the question. It is out of order, and that is that. We are moving to the business ordered.
Deputy Quinn Rose.
Is the Deputy raising a point of order?
Yes. In view of your ruling in relation to the question tabled by Deputy O'Leary——
I will not discuss that.
May I ask a question, please? Would the matter qualify for emergency status if the £30,000 had been paid?
That is hypothetical. I have given my ruling on the question submitted to me. I am moving to Item No. 4.