asked the Minister for Transport whether in view of the need to launch an intensive promotional drive to generate additional traffic at Shannon Airport, he will establish a special task force representative of Aer Rianta. SFADCo, Aer Lingus and Bord Fáilte to co-ordinate and direct a special promotional campaign: and, if not, why.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Shannon Airport Traffic.
There is continuing co-operation and liaison between the bodies concerned in the promotion of traffic at Shannon Airport. As has been mentioned recently during the course of the budget debate, the Minister for Transport has encouraged Aer Rianta to make every effort, in co-operation with the other agencies involved, to attract additional traffic to Shannon. Success will call for action by several State agencies. notably Aer Rianta, Aer Lingus, Bord Fáilte and SFAD Co, and I know that these agencies are working closely together with the objective of developing additional traffic at Shannon.
With specific regard to the Deputy's proposal for a special task force. I should point out that a sales task force representative of Aer Lingus. Aer Rianta and Shannon Repair Services have been in operation for a number of years. This force are concerned with the promotion of Shannon abroad and undertake regular sales visits abroad aimed at air carriers. In the past they have concentrated their efforts on the American market, but more recently, in the light of changing traffic patterns, they have been directing their efforts at the UK. Europe and the Middle East.
Shannon Airport has faced difficult times in the past and these have always been overcome by the enterprise and innovation of those associated with the airport. I am confident that with the application of similar vigour and co-ordinated action the present decline in traffic can be halted and steady growth resumed.