asked the Minister for Transport whether he considers that the damaged jetty at Whiddy Island should be repaired or replaced: and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Whiddy Island Jetty.
The jetty at Whiddy Island is owned by Gulf Oil Terminals (Ireland) Limited, who hold it on a foreshore lease from the Department of Transport. My information from the company is that they are still in the process of assessing the possibilities and have taken no final decision in regard to the future of the terminal.
Is there any provision in the foreshore lease for the reinstatement of the jetty?
There is provision.
Why then, after more than two years, are the Government not insisting on such reinstatement?
The Government are continually dealing with the matter but it is a relatively short period since the disaster. The Deputy will be delighted to know that Gulf Oil Terminals (Ireland) Limited have progressed fairly well as far as reconstruction plans are concerned. I hope they will be available before long.
Is the Minister confirming to the House that Gulf Oil Terminals (Ireland) Limited have confirmed to the Government that they intend to go ahead with the reinstatement?
No, the Minister is not confirming that. He is saying they are engaged in reconstruction plans. I presume the normal pattern is that they will be submitted and, after taking a decision concerning what they will do, decide whether or not to reconstruct.
Could I finally ask the Minister, bearing in mind the clause in the lease which requires reinstatement, how long will the Government stand by without insisting that such plans be put into operation and that reinstatement takes place?
The Government will have to give a reasonable time. It is a very large project which involves something like £20 or £30 million. Reconstruction drawings have to be made, submitted and a decision taken. I do not think there has been an undue delay since the disaster.
Could we not at this stage have at least a definite commitment and a timetable for completion of the replacement of the jetty?
The future of Whiddy is primarily the concern of Gulf Oil Terminals (Ireland) Limited.
It is not.
Could the Minister confirm if the oil currently stored at Whiddy is regarded as part of our EEC strategic oil requirement?
I am not so aware.