asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason pay-related unemployment benefit is not being paid to a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny.
Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.
The entitlement to pay-related benefit of a wholly unemployed person in receipt of flat-rate unemployment benefit is subject to the condition that the sum of weekly flat-rate unemployment benefit and pay-related benefit together with any income tax refund paid may not exceed 85 per cent of a claimant's previous net weekly earnings.
The person concerned ceased short-time working and became wholly unemployed from 12 June 1982. Inquiries were necessary to determine the 85 per cent limit applicable to her earnings during the income tax year 6 April 1980 to 5 April 1981.
These inquiries were completed recently and it was established that her entitlement to pay-related benefit at £15.20 weekly was not affected by the 85 per cent limit which in her case amounted to £48.38. Arrangements have been made to pay all arrears of pay-related benefit due to her this week.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny who is claiming disability benefit is not receiving the full rate of benefit as she has worked on a full-time basis for some years past.
The person concerned claimed disability benefit from 17 December 1981 and payment was authorised at a reduced rate as she had not the required 48 contributions paid or credited on her behalf in the 1978-79 governing contribution year to qualify for benefit at the maximum rate. According to the records of the Department the claimant had only 13 paid contributions and 29 credited contributions making a total of 42 contributions in that year.
Payment of all disability benefit due has been made in respect of the medical evidence furnished to 19 June 1982, date of latest medical certificate received in the Department.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying unemployment assistance to a person (details supplied) in Dungarvan, County Waterford.
The person concerned is not entitled to unemployment assistance as she was assessed by a deciding officer with means of £33.00 derived from the value of board and lodging in her parents home and this amount exceeds the maximum rate of unemployment assistance payable in her case. She was however supplied with a form to enable her to appeal against the assessment of her means. When the completed form is returned her case will be referred to an appeals officer for determination and her claim will be reviewed in the light of the appeals officer's decision.