May I interrupt the Minister for a moment, please? The Order of Business indicated that a debate on this Bill should terminate at 7 o'clock. I understand now that there has been an agreement and that the agreement is that Private Members' Business will not take place today and that discussion on the Bill before us will continue until a time not later than 8.30 p.m., when the question will be put on all Stages.
Business of Dáil.
On all Stages, at 8.30 p.m.
It is news to me; I am not aware of it. The last word I had from the Whip was different.
The Government Whip was agreeable.
That is why I interrupted the Minister. It was news to the Chair as well.
It is news to me.
But I have the word of Deputy B. Desmond that he has been speaking with the Government Whip and that agreement has been given to the rearrangement I am announcing.
I will continue with my speech and will inquire from the Government Chief Whip if this is agreeable.
There is no question of interrupting the Minister. I wanted to advise him of the new position.
We are agreeable to an adjournment of the House for a few moments to give the Minister an opportunity of consulting with his Chief Whip.
We will have a brief adjournment so that the Minister can confirm with the Government Chief Whip the agreement which has been announced in the House.
To put the position in order and on record I should like to tell the Chair that we have agreed on all sides to continue the debate on this Bill until 7 p.m. with Private Members' Business from 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., no Private Members' Business tomorrow but we will resume this debate tomorrow night at 7 p.m. to be concluded, I suggest, not later than 8.30 p.m. and all Stages passed.
The Chair would like to make one comment in so far as there is an announcement of an agreement, that we have disagreed about what was agreed. The Chair would like to remind the House that if this agreement is made it is assumed that it is permanent.
The Minister had not been consulted about the other agreement and he has another appointment.
This will be recorded as an order of the House.
(Dún Laoghaire): I hope the Chair notes how co-operative this side of the House has been in dealing with the business of the House.