I propose to take Questions Nos. 174 to 177, inclusive, together.
I would draw the attention of the Deputies to the document Principal Features of the Budget presented to Dáil Éireann on Wednesday, 9 February 1983 in which it was announced that the fees would be raised in regional technical colleges and in the technological colleges.
Following discussions with the Irish Vocational Education Association the relevant circular letter in the matter was issued on 3 June 1983.
I am satisfied that the increases announced are appropriate and reasonable in all circumstances.
Approximately 9,000 full-time students out of a total of 14,000 full-time students in the regional technical colleges and colleges of technology received aid through scholarships, ESF training grants or Higher Education Grants in 1982-83. The grant per student includes the amount of the fees. Accordingly, such students would not be affected by the adjustment in the amount of the fees payable.