asked the Minister for the Environment the present position in regard to the Lough Sheelin slurry removal scheme, County Cavan.
Written Answers. - Lough Sheelin Slurry Removal.
The scheme for the removal of slurry from the Lough Sheelin catchment area will continue during 1983 and a provision of £50,000 has been made in my Department's estimates for the purpose on the basis of an average rate of subsidy of £1.50 per 1,000 gallons of slurry.
I understand that the operation of the subsidy scheme has brought about a major improvement in the quality of the lake water. This serves to underline, if there was any doubt about it, the direct link between the previous deterioration in the lake quality and the disposal of slurry in the catchment area. It is the responsibility of the slurry producers to see to the proper disposal of the waste and the public cannot be expected to subsidise the cost of this indefinitely. The polluter pays principle should apply to agricultural waste no less than in other sectors of economic activity. It is, therefore, proposed that State involvement in the scheme should be phased out and Cavan County Council and the relevant farming and fishing interests have been so informed.