asked the Minister for the Environment if he has received any submissions from interested parties concerning possible changes in constituencies arising from the 1981 census of population; if not, if he is prepared to invite submissions; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Dáil Constituencies.
I announced on 27 April 1983 that the Government had decided to establish a non-statutory ad hoc electoral commission to advise and report on the formation of Dáil constituencies taking account of the following:
(a) the membership of Dáil Éireann to be not less than 164 and not more than 168,
(b) geographical considerations, in that the breaching of county boundaries should be avoided, if possible, and that larger-seat constituencies should preferably be situated in areas of greater population density,
(c) other well-established characteristics in the formation of constituencies such as clearly defined natural features,
(d) the retention of the traditional pattern of three-seat, four-seat, and five-seat constituencies, and
(e) in view of the short time which has elapsed since the last review of constituencies, the desirability of effecting the minimum changes.
The Commission invited submissions by way of notice in the public press.