asked the Minister for the Environment the authorised staff establishment of An Bord Pleanála as regards (a) administrative and clerical staff and (b) professional and technical staff; how many of these posts are filled at present; if any proposals have been received by his Department for staff increases; how many appeals are at present waiting to be considered; the average length of time taken by the board to adjudicate on an appeal; and the percentage of the planning department decisions they reverse.
Written Answers. - An Bord Pleanála Staff.
Since An Bord Pleanála assumed responsibility on 15 March 1977, for dealing with planning appeals, the full-time services of professional, administrative, executive and clerical staff have been made available to the board by my Department. A chief officer has been directly employed by the board since July 1981.
The number of administrative and clerical staff at present is 54; this is one in excess of the authorised number. In the case of professional and technical staff the number serving at present is 16, four less than the authorised number of 20. The filling of these vacancies is a matter for the board. No proposals for staff increases are awaiting my approval.
The number of planning appeals awaiting decision at 31 May 1983, was 3,595. With regard to average length of time taken to adjudicate on a planning appeal, statistics supplied to me by the board show that in 1982 approximately 23 per cent of appeals were decided in 20 weeks or less, 59 per cent in 30 weeks or less and 92 per cent in 50 weeks or less. Approximately 28 per cent of planning authority decisions were reversed on appeal to the board in 1982.