asked the Minister for the Environment when further allocations will be made to Donegal County Council to enable it to advertise scheme houses, SI houses and SF cottages.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for the Environment when further allocations will be made to Donegal County Council to enable it to advertise scheme houses, SI houses and SF cottages.
asked the Minister for the Environment when Donegal County Council will advertise for tender, scheme houses, SI houses and SF cottages.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 291 and 292 together.
Following the examination of claims received from Donegal County Council for finance for existing commitments and new works on its housing programme, capital allocations from the local loans fund, totalling £5,305,000, have been made available to the Council for these purposes in 1983. An initial allocation of £4,465,000 was made on the 12 April 1983 and a further sum of £840,000 was allocated on 22 June 1983.
The question of advertising for tenders for houses is primarily a matter for each local authority, having regard to the amount of capital available for their housing programme and the need for compliance with the normal procedures governing the provision of local authority houses.