asked the Minister for Industry and Energy his proposals, if any, to develop craft industries in the Border region so that funds allocated from the non-quota section of the European Regional Development Fund for Border counties can be availed of.
Written Answers. - Craft Industries.
Mr. Leonard
The Industrial Development Authority are developing a craft centre in Donegal town with funds made available under the programme for the improvement of the economic and social situation in the Border area. This programme is receiving 50 per cent funding from the Non-Quota Section of the European Regional Development Fund. Site development work has already commenced on the centre which is expected to be completed by the end of this year. The centre will comprise seven workshops.
The IDA are examining the possibility of developing a second craft centre in the Border area which would be funded under the programme. In addition, through the programme, the IDA are providing grant assistance to craft workers in the five Border counties. £168,000 has been approved for this purpose to date.