andMr. Faulkner asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the steps being taken to alleviate the very serious unemployment problem in Ardee, County Louth.
Written Answers. - Ardee (Louth) Unemployment.
I am informed that the Industrial Development Authority are actively promoting the former Castleguard factory and its 6.4 acre site in Ardee for suitable industrial projects. Two industrial promoters were brought by the IDA to inspect these facilities during the past 15 months but no proposals have emerged.
I should add that: (i) the target in the IDA's Industrial Plan, 1978-1982, for the creation of 1,600 first time grant aided jobs for the Town Group of Ardee, Dunleer and Drogheda has been exceeded; (ii) manufacturing employment in Ardee is still somewhat higher than it was three years ago.