asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he will give the following information in respect of each personal assistant, adviser, consultant, secretary, typist or any other category employed from outside the civil service in a temporary, part-time or permanent capacity or contractual capacity by him for the period from 21 March to date: name, rank, remuneration, terms of conditions of employment, and if seconded, and if so, from where.
Written Answers. - Ministerial Assistants.
I have retained on a part-time contractual basis the services of Mr. Michael Kilroy, a former Clerk Administrator in the Houses of the Oireachtas to assist me in my duties as Leader of the House. Mr. Kilory is retained on an hourly fee basis of £5 per hour.
I am making ad hoc arrangements to obtain, where it is appropriate, advice on the commercial implications of particular issues which I may have under consideration. These arrangements have not yet been finally settled.