asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he is aware that the plant and equipment in the Ross Company Shipyard, New Ross, County Wexford, is deteriorating; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he is aware that the plant and equipment in the Ross Company Shipyard, New Ross, County Wexford, is deteriorating; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he is aware that four barges, a tugboat and a pilot launch which are unfinished, are deteriorating in the Ross Company Shipyard, New Ross, County Wexford; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 336 and 337 together.
The matters raised by the Deputy are the responsibility of the management of the shipyard, which function now rests with the receiver.
I recognise and share the concern implicit in the Deputy's questions that arrangements for a take-over of the shipyard and the resumption of operations be made with as little further delay as possible. However, this depends on a suitable offer being forthcoming from interests that would be capable of providing sustained employment in the long term.