asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he has any plans to bottle natural gas for supply to rural areas which will not benefit from the extension of the gas supply.
Written Answers. - Kinsale Gas.
I am advised that the bottling of natural gas for domestic use is not practical from a technical viewpoint.
asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if An Bord Gáis have any plans to provide Kinsale gas as a cheap source of fuel for Irish motorists; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Bord Gáis Éireann are at present examining the feasibility and economics of usage of compressed natural gas in motor vehicles, Studies are ongoing in which a car and a van have been converted to use compressed natural gas in an urban situation. The conclusions of the studies will not be available for some time. Because of the nature of the fuel it is unlikely to find widespread use as a substitute for petrol except in the case of commercial short-haul operations where initial indications are encouraging.
As regards the price at which natural gas might be sold as a vehicle fuel, if the final results of the present studies are positive, the Deputy will appreciate that there would be Exchequer implications since the fuel would be replacing premium petroleum products which at present are subject to substantial excise duties and other taxes.