asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the industries in the county whose principal market is in exports.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the industries in the county whose principal market is in exports.
asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the industries in the country which import all their raw mate-rails and export all their produce.
asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the industries in the country which to a lessedr or greater extent have native raw materials as a basis for their produce.
With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 354, 355 and 356 together.
In so far as manufacturing industry is concerned the industries whose principal markets are in exports rather than in the home market are to be found in the following sector:
Chemicals and Pharmaceticals
Food Processing
Tanning and Dressing of Leather
Glass and Glassware
Assembly of Motor Vehicles.
With the exception of the food processing sector, the bulk of the raw materials used by the industries in the sectors in question are imported.
In addition to the food processing sector, other major users of native raw materials are the drink sector, cement manufacture and related activities.