asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he will state in relation to the reply given by the Minister for Finance to Parliamentary Question No. 724 on 17 May 1983, the reasons that the remaining work to be done on the Howth harbour development cannot be completed by the end of 1983; and the reason the erection of an auction hall and an ice plant has been delayed, particularly in view of the fact that the auction hall was to have been completed in stage one of the development.
Written Answers. - Howth Harbour Works.
The Office of Public Works have confirmed that work on the present contract placed by that office for the development of Howth Harbour will be completed this year.
In addition to the contract works the provision of other facilities at the harbour, including an auction hall, an ice-plant, gear and net stores, toilets and showers, as well as resurfacing of the West Pier, landscaping and the erection of a boundary wall on the West Pier will be undertaken as soon as possible after contracts for such works have been placed.
The Office of Public Works and Bord Iascaigh Mhara in consultation with my Department are at present proceeding with the drawing up of plans and specifications for the auction hall and ice-plant with a view to the invitation of tenders. Prior discussion with the fishermen and other local interests was deemed to be desirable in regard to the siting, capacity and design of the auction hall and ice-plant. Such discussion has now taken place and has proved to be very helpful.
There has been no delay in regard to the planning of the proposed additional works which cannot be put in hands until work under the main contract is at a sufficiently advanced stage.