asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry the plans he has to utilise the produce of our State forests in Counties Cavan and Monaghan.
Written Answers. - Produce of State Forests.
Mr. Leonard
The Forest and Wildlife Service has a total stocked area of some 6,800 hectares in the two counties mentioned. The combined potential yield of forest thinnings and sawlog material in these two counties for the period to 1990 exceeds 500,000 cubic metres and forms part of the pool of material which will go to meet local and national requirements of the timber processing industry.
At present the overall supply of timber coming on stream is broadly in balance with the industry's requirements — a situation which is not likely to change, at least until the end of the present decade. In the short term, therefore, it is not possible to guarantee additional supplies of timber for any new processing enterprise but the position will be kept under review by my Department in association with the Industrial Development Authority.